The Court ‘revives’ Elba and two allies of AMLO, ‘buries’ Mexico Libre


After more than six hours of session, the TEPJF gave its endorsement for the formation of Fuerza Social and RSP as national political parties, while México Libre was denied registration.

The Electoral Tribunal of the Federal Judicial Power (TEPJF) ruled that Fuerza Social por México and Redes Sociales Progresistas (RSP), organizations close to President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, will be able to form national political parties; But Mexico Libre got a setback.

TEPJF perfila negar registro a México Libre y PES; revivirían partidos de  Elba y Haces

After a virtual session of more than six hours, in which various challenges were analyzed, the magistrates of the Superior Chamber determined to validate the ruling of the National Electoral Institute (INE) with respect to México Libre, an organization led by former presidential candidate Margarita Zavala and her husband, former president Felipe Calderón, who was denied registration as a political party.

On the contrary, the Superior Chamber decided to revoke the INE resolutions on Fuerza Social por México, an organization of the Morena union leader and alternate senator Pedro Haces, and RSP, linked to the former corrupt teachers’ leader Elba Esther Gordillo.

With these rulings, the TEPJF gives its endorsement for the formation of Fuerza Social and RSP as national political parties, while Mexico Libre is denied registration once again.

Mexico Libre will not disappear

In his presentation, Magistrate José Luis Vargas stated that the registration of México Libre should be denied due to irregularities in contributions of cash (up to one million 61,000 pesos), which had a “decisive and insurmountable” impact that “frontally” obstructed the audit process.

“There is no certainty that will allow verifying the authenticity of the resources that (Mexico Libre) received,” the magistrate emphasized.

After almost two hours of discussion, José Luis Vargas’s project that declared the registration of Mexico Libre inadmissible was endorsed with four votes in favor and three against.

After making the ruling known, Margarita Zavala regretted that it was “unfair, unconstitutional and incongruous” that her organization was denied registration, and thanked the magistrates who voted against the project: Indalfer Infante, Reyes Rodríguez and Janine Otalora.

Former President Felipe Calderón pointed out on his Twitter account that Fuerza Social was granted registration despite reporting 6.8 million pesos of contributions from unidentified people, six times more than the amount charged to México Libre.

Before the discussion and vote on Mexico Libre, the Superior Chamber approved by a majority of votes – five in favor and one against – to declare inadmissible the petition for Judge Reyes Rodríguez Mondragón to abstain from this matter due to his possible proximity to Margarita Zavala and Felipe Calderón.

Individuals had asked the TEPJF that Rodríguez Mondragón not take part in the challenges presented by México Libre, alleging a possible conflict of interest. But the magistrates denied the petition, considering that the plaintiffs have no legal interest in this matter, and allowed their colleague to discuss and vote on the project.

Already in the discussion, Judge Rodríguez Mondragón defended that “there is no fraud” in the offenses that Mexico Libre allegedly committed in its affiliation process and collection of resources. “I believe it is necessary to revoke the negative registration and carry out the corresponding investigations by the INE,” he said.

Fuerza Social, by Pedro Haces

Last September, the General Council of the INE denied the formation of Fuerza Social as a political party by detecting irregularities in its assemblies, affiliates and resources obtained.

But now, considering that the INE did not exactly justify the irregularities, the TEPJF instructs the Electoral Institute to restore the assemblies that it took away from Fuerza Social – the reason for which it did not meet the requirement of total assemblies -, so that it can become a political party.

After the vote, the president of the national assembly of Fuerza Social por México, Gerardo Islas, celebrated the decision on his Twitter account.

Endorsement of the party close to Gordillo

Progressive Social Networks (RSP) had been denied registration due to possible intervention by a union organization; In addition, the promise or granting of gifts to achieve affiliation was detected and contributions from unidentified people for the holding of assemblies were confirmed.

After the vote in the Court, José Fernando Sánchez, National President of Progressive Social Networks (RSP) – Elba Esther Gordillo‘s lawyer – celebrated the decision.

The PES remains as the INE voted it

Regarding the Encuentro Solidario, known as “the new PES“, the Court ratified its registration as a political party, even though, according to the INE itself, it was the only organization in which the direct participation of ministers of worship was found. .

Magistrate Janine Otálora had presented a bill to revoke the registration to Encuentro Solidario, considering that the INE omitted an analysis on the constitutionality of the principle of secularism.

However, his colleagues in the Superior Chamber considered that this does not represent a transgression of political and electoral life. In this way, by majority vote, the Electoral Tribunal rejected the appeals against the “new PES” and refused to revoke the INE’s ruling on its registration.

Endorsement of a new version of PANAL is rejected

Previously, the Electoral Court rejected the appeal filed by Grupo Social Promotor de México, founded on the bases of the defunct Nueva Alianza Party (Panal), considering that that organization did infringe with regard to the participation of unions, as decided by the INE.

For this reason, with five votes in favor and two against, the TEPJF confirmed what was decided by the INE last September by denying the registration of Grupo Social as a political party.

With this resolution it is confirmed that the organization systematically used the platform of the National Union of Education Workers (SNTE) for representation, affiliation and resources contributed to meet the requirements.

In his speech, Judge Reyes Rodríguez Mondragón pointed out that it is urgent to establish a methodology to establish in which cases a registration should be denied due to union participation.

They say “NO” to Manuel Espino’s party

The appeal of Súmate a Nosotros, an organization linked to former PAN leader Manuel Espino, was also rejected, confirming the INE’s ruling to deny him registration.

The Electoral Court confirmed that Fundación Alternativa will not have a registry because they did not reach the minimum necessary affiliations.


Mexico Daily Post