Crimewave in Tulum continues with murder in hotel zone bar


TULUM, MX.- Shortly before midnight yesterday, around 11:50 p.m., a man was found shot to death inside the bathroom of the ‘I Scream Bar’ which is located at kilometer 7.5 of the area coastal where the most exclusive hotels in the municipality are located.

Ejecutan a hombre dentro de “Scream Bar” en Tulum

The man’s body was thrown on the ground with blood on his face and next to a pool of blood.

According to witnesses interviewed by the police, the attack would have occurred approximately an hour earlier when at the place, an iconic meeting place for tourists in the Hotel Zone, two gunshots were heard. However, they assured that they did not see the person who carried out the murder.

EJECUTADO EN ZONA HOTELERA DE TULUM: Matan a balazos a un hombre en el baño  del 'I Scream Bar' – Noticaribe

The executed person had an impact on the neck with entry and exit.

Ejecutan a un hombre en la Zona Hotelera de Tulum | El Quintana Roo MX

Following the execution, the ‘I Scream Bar’ posted a message on its Facebook page to explain its closure: “I Scream Bar was closed not because of COVID-19 but because of disorganized crime.” 

Following the shooting, the I Scream Bar posted a message on social media saying, “I Scream Bar was closed not because of COVID-19 but because of disorganized crime.”

Ejecutan a un hombre en la Zona Hotelera de Tulum | El Quintana Roo MX


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