Without sanitary protocols, Toluca’s Simón Bolívar garden is packed


Toluca, Estado de Mexico.- In Toluca, dozens of people who sell products over the internet crowded the Simón Bolívar garden in the center of the capital of Mexico. Most without face masks or healthy distance and there was no local authority asking them to leave. 

In this garden, the exchange of products that have been offered on various internet pages has been carried out for more than two years, although the Toluca city council carried out various operations to close the space and prevent commercial activity, for a couple of years months, the vendors returned and continue their activities. 

Some of the attendees said that they are not afraid of contagion, because they believe that they presented the disease at some point and “we fought it” or that it is not so dangerous, because “for something, shopping centers and malls are already open.” 

In this place, footwear, stuffed animals, electronic devices, school supplies, textbooks and all kinds of prepared foods are sold. 

The sellers agree with the client to meet in the planters of this place, located next to the Rectory of the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico (UAEMex), where in normal season, there are rows of people waiting to make their commercial transaction and the pandemic was not The exeption. 

Although around 3:00 p.m. security forces asked some people to leave, most ignored the instruction and remained in the place, there were even those who put the mask on their chin, to be able to continue talking. 

The municipal president Juan Rodolfo Sánchez Gómez, said yesterday at a press conference that more than 90% of the population in the downtown area uses the device and that for 11 continuous weeks a decrease in the number of positive cases and deaths from Covid was observed.

Source: El Universal

The Mexico City Post