Rocky Point Rally

We would like to thank everyone for your patience and interest in what is happening with plans for the 2020 Rocky Point Rally.

As many know, this was supposed to be our 20th Anniversary celebration! However, due to health concerns surrounding Covid-19, the traditional Rocky Point Rally and events for the 20th Anniversary have been postponed till next year when we are able to appropriately celebrate over 2 decades of the Greatest Motorcycle Rally just South of the Border!

Even so, Puerto Peñasco welcomes bikers, friends, and visitors who had planned to join us for this year’s event, originally scheduled for Nov. 11th – 15th, but under a series of strict health protocols that we’ve been going over with health and government officials. This will include mandatory use of masks and guidelines for social distancing, among other measures to be announced.

We’d appreciate your visit this Fall, but if you’re not on board with the health measures that will be in effect, we ask you to sit this trip out and join us next year for our 20th Anniversary celebration.

Image may contain: ocean, motorcycle, sky and outdoor

More information coming soon on health protocols to be in place during originally scheduled event dates.

The Sonora Post