Quintana Roo facilitates the change of gender identity on one’s birth certificate


The initiative that reforms the Civil Code of Quintana Roo, so that transvestite, transsexual and transgender people can change their identity and gender in their birth certificate in the Civil Registry, advances towards its approval in the Legislative Power, after its analysis in Commissions today.

This proposal was presented by the deputies Edgar Gasca Arceo and Judith Rodríguez Villanueva, and it intends to add the seventh section “From the raising of the act for recognition of identity and gender”, to the ninth chapter of the third title of the State Civil Code.

“What we seek is to eliminate the bureaucratic obstacles that prevent people from legally defining the gender with which they feel identified. It should be remembered that just on September 8, Africa Elizabeth became the first transgender woman to register her new identity in Quintana Roo, but this was achieved only because she promoted an amparo that required money, effort and time ”, said Gasca Arceo.

Supreme Court of Justice recognizes the right to homosexual, bisexual and transgender identity

En Durango apenas darán INE a comunidad transexual

He added that the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation has already issued jurisprudence in this regard, giving recognition to the right to gender identity since some people do not identify with the sex with which they were born.

“Of course this issue has too many legal implications since changing your birth certificate also means a new voter ID and a new identity. At today’s committee meeting, we are analyzing cases where this situation can be used for criminal purposes or to evade justice ”.

“That is why we determine that the State Civil Registry must follow up on this change, in addition to the fact that the voter’s credential, even if it registers a new name and a change of sex, keep the same folio and CURP,” said the legislator.

It will be enough with the will of the person to make the change of gender identity

He explained that with this reform it will not be necessary for the person requesting a new birth certificate to perform sex-change operations: their willingness to want to change their identity from man to woman or vice versa will suffice.

The deputy president of the Legislative Health Commission expressed that in 15 days an open forum will be held with civil associations and members of the LBTTTIQ community, to expand the scope of this proposal, which is expected to be approved at the end of October.

Source: sipse.com

The Cancun Post