Coahuila and Tamaulipas contribute more water than Chihuahua to the treaty: Conagua


“The Coahuila and Tamaulipas basins have contributed in a greater percentage than the state of Chihuahua to the fulfillment of the 1944 International Water Treaty with the United States”, informed the Director of Conagua, Bianca Jiménez Cisneros.

In an interview, the Director of Conagua stated that “the treaty implies sharing water, the Rio Bravo is a river shared by all those in the basin, including of course Chihuahua and the basins in Coahuila and Tamaulipas, which are also contributing to the treaty”.

She also mentioned that these States have already sent their part of the treaty and that thanks to the abundant rains, they have contributed a greater percentage than what has been taken from the dams in Chihuahua.

Ciudad Acuña, Coahuila (Photo:

In addition, she pointed out that the entity was decreasing the amount it had to contribute “as of 2004, from the 54 percent that it should be contributing, it lowered it to 34 percent, and it is something that has remained for the use of farmers, who also have the right to use this resource”.

She also stressed that “they are defending their heritage, but in a geographical and geo-political situation like this one, we have to see how we all share water; both upstream, downstream, both on the left bank and the right bank, only in this case, the left bank is another country,” Bianca Jiménez Cisneros concluded.

Presa Angostura, Tamaulipas.

Source: OMNIA

The Mazatlan Post