Tourism reopens in Chiapas


Chiapas, September 18.— Chiapas is in the yellow color of the epidemiological traffic light, which has allowed tourism to begin to reactivate in a positive way, and the airlines that connect the airports of Tuxtla Gutiérrez and Tapachula to resume operations, with a positive outlook for the last third of 2020.

San Cristóbal de las Casas and Palenque are the destinations where a significant number of visitors are perceived after almost six months of tourist inactivity. The Lacandona Jungle and the Sumidero Canyon, little by little, have also begun to receive national tourists.

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According to a newsletter from the Chiapas Secretariat of Tourism, tourists who decide to visit the state can do so with the confidence that the Quality Certification Program in Sanitary Security and Civil Protection provides for the state’s tourist infrastructure, called “ Quality Certificate Clean Contact Seal Chiapas ”.

The agency indicated that municipalities, hotel businessmen, restaurant owners, and tour operators have reiterated their commitment to implement measures and health protocols necessary to provide security and confidence to tourists and the general population.

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Likewise, the Secretariat launched the “Wake up your Spirit” campaign, which invites all travelers to explore the majestic natural landscapes, its magical towns, and its imposing archaeological sites, among which Palenque stands out, the fourth most visited archaeological zone in the country.

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Chiapas has seven tourist routes that begin or end in the main tourist destinations of the state: Tuxtla Gutiérez, Tapachula, San Cristóbal de las Casas, Palenque or Comitán: Mayan Route, Costa Soconusco Route, Zoques Province Route, Chiapas Route, Route Camino Real, Ruta Haciendas, Ruta Culturas Vivas. Chiapas is ready for a reconnection between the explorer, nature, and the living communities of the state and is ready to inspire new life stories where the most important thing is the spirit of freedom of each traveler.

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For more information on the destination, you can consult the website: and its social networks Instagram: and Facebook: VisitChiapas.


San Cristobal Post