AISA CARE: a new digital assistant in Mexico that takes care of your health


Today, the digitalization of services has generated a transformation in our society’s way of life, and the health sector is no exception. The digitalization of health services focuses on developing new experiences in consumers that translate into greater customer satisfaction, more accurate diagnoses and more effective treatments, optimization of intervention times and resources, etc.

This leads to a change in the health paradigm, focusing on the patient/user experience, allowing their empowerment to maintain or improve their quality of life. Information and control are now in the hands of patients.

AISA Care is a personalized, safe, and easily accessible digital health platform that allows to CONNECT people and their families to a digital network of certified professionals who offer their health services and that guarantees a follow-up, control, and administration of the prevention strategies, achieving a significant improvement in the quality of life of the users.

AISA Care connects patients, free of charge, to a network of comprehensive and specialized health services -medicine, physical therapy, nutrition, dentistry, nursing- (and soon veterinarians too), allowing follow-up when scheduling appointments, rescheduling, and cancelations, without the need to go to the office or make a phone call, everything is taken care of with the AISA CARE unique notification system.

The user accounts allow reducing time in the consultation process since it speeds up the registration of personal data and the reason for the consultation. In turn, this makes it easier for professionals to analyze the clinical characteristics that lead to an accurate diagnosis and successful treatment.

The health professionals’ services are oriented to the attention in doctor’s offices/clinics, home consultations, or by virtual means (teleconsultation).

At the end of the appointment, the professional can send the medical/therapeutic indications so that the user can consult them as many times as necessary.

Scan the QRL code below, and control your health with the AISA Care Intelligent Assistant.

The Yucatan Post