Between Haciendas and Pulque: Experience the Tlaxcala Route


Live a unique experience with this route in Tlaxcala, which takes you to pulque haciendas and enjoy traditional food with the popular drink.

Hasta la Muerte tiene sed, y viene a degustar un rico pulque en La Tía Yola  - Picture of Pulqueria La Tia Yola, Tlaxcala - Tripadvisor

Tlaxcala, August 22.-The diversification of the tourist product in Mexico led to the creation of “routes” that group beach, gastronomic, architectural or archaeological destinations, among others, but there is one that pays tribute to a drink that could well be considered ” national ”, due to its origin, age and roots in the taste of drinkers: the Pulque Route, in Tlaxcala.

Although its alcohol levels range between four and eight degrees, there are those who consider that, due to its nutrients, it could almost be a protein – it takes a degree to be meat, say its fans -, in its origins, about 2,500 years, it was considered a sacred drink, reserved for the gods, priests and the tlatoanis (Mexican governors).

Like most of the sacred things of the original peoples of Mexico, after a time it was repudiated and vilified. From a ceremonial drink it became a vulgar drink.

Ruta del Pulque | Sin Postal

For chef Irving Cano, Tlaxcalteca food has left a very deep mark on the gastronomy of Mexico, and proof of this is that pulque is known as one of the most emblematic traditional drinks in the country.

Las mejores haciendas para relajarse en Tlaxcala | México Desconocido

The Revolution did him justice

However, the Revolution did him justice. Historical photos of Agustín Víctor Casasola date from that time, who captured images of revolutionaries as well as workers consuming the drink outside pulquerías.

Haciendas de Tepeyahualco, una riqueza en Tlaxcala, Pueblos Magicos de  Mexico

If you dare, in Huamantla, Tlaxcala is the former Santa Bárbara Hacienda, whose construction dates from the 17th century. In its beginnings it was dedicated to the sale of pulque and today it operates as a lodging center for tourists seeking unique and unrepeatable experiences in Mexico.

Hacienda Soltepec en Tlaxcala, Descúbrela - YouTube

Nearby is the Hacienda Soltepec, which with its old buildings from the 18th century welcomes national and international visitors who seek to try the cuisine made with pre-Hispanic ingredients, such as nopales, maguey worms, escamoles, wild mushrooms, huitlacoche and, of course, the pulque.

Next to the hacienda is the Museo del Pulque, a place that you must visit to learn a little more about this drink that today is once again relevant.

Chilango - Hospédate, come rico y toma pulque en estas haciendas de Tlaxcala

From mead to “cured”

In the municipality of Nanacamilpa there are ranches where gastronomic experiences and tours of old pulque haciendas are offered, such as the San Isidro Hacienda.

La historia de San Bartolomé, poderosa hacienda en Tlaxcala

There is also the experience that Grupo Pulmex offers, to know the whole process, from when the tlachiquero collects the mead until they obtain what is known as “cured”, a natural pulque added with fruits or seeds that add flavor and color. Visitors can also try delicacies, such as maguey heart with cheese and wrapped in tortillas, stews with longaniza, cueritos, and ribs, cooked on the maguey stalk in a barbecue oven.

It is advisable to contact a local travel agency, such as, which supports local commerce and is part of an organized group of small businesses, most of them family and community, such as the San Nicolás Ecotourism Consortium, the Hotel Mamá Panchita, the Adobe Farm and the Cacaloapan Ranch, which offer visitors authentic experiences full of the flavor and traditional color of Tlaxcala.

Hacienda San Diego Baquedano en Terrenate Tlaxcala, la ruta de haciendas |  El Andariego - YouTube
Operadores turísticos promueven las haciendas ganaderas en Tlaxcala. |  Turistico, Turismo, Haciendas

With information and images from Galu Comunicación and Nómada Noticias. 

Photos courtesy: @chefirvingcano

The Mexico City Post