Shrimp workers of Campeche maintain blockade of the Federal Palace

They demand the complete delivery of Bienpesca’s resources

The agenda of demands of the deep-sea fishermen that make up the Confederación de Cooperativas Pesqueras de Campeche has increased significantly. 

Now, in addition to demanding the delivery of support from the Bienpesca program to those who did not receive this incentive in a timely manner, they are also demanding a solution to the situation of the shrimp companies regarding the support of marine diesel and a loan for 8 thousand pesos for each fisherman to face the pandemic and the postponement of the ban, which is about to end.

Campeche Shrimp Boats (Archive)

They emphasized that they will not give up until the Federation representatives attend to their demands and comply with them or, where appropriate, the National Guard forcibly evicts them; but they will continue claiming their right to the Bienpesca economic support, since the resources allocated for this program have mysteriously “disappeared”.

They asked both Manuel Zavala Salazar, Undersecretary of Welfare, and the delegate of the National Fisheries Commission (Conapesca), Ramón Ochoa Peña, to speed up the negotiations with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (Sader), since the season begins next September 1st, and if the boats do not have sufficient resources, more than 150 fishermen will be out of work.

Campeche Shrimp Boats (Archive)

After two days of sit-ins -at this stage-, the protesters indicated that they had liberated the federal building after Zavala Salazar pledged his word to resolve the Bienpesca issue. Meanwhile, the personnel of the different federal offices cannot enter the building.

The fishermen claim that, after two meetings, federal officials have taken their word for a solution, but so far they have only given them excuses. 

By maintaining the blockade of the Federal Palace, the operation of the Ministry of Welfare is affected, preventing the delivery of support to older adultssenior citizens, minors with disabilities, single mothers, among other vulnerable sectors.


Unlike the previous occasion, when the demonstrations began, now members of the National Guard is close to the place, in a vigilant attitude.

Source: La Jornada Maya

The Mazatlan Post