More than 80 Tijuana neighborhoods will have no water this Saturday


As part of the CESPT program “Scheduled Pause”, this Saturday various neighborhoods of the city will present the lack of service

The “tandeos” of water in Tijuana continue , implemented since August 24 by the Tijuana State Public Services Commission (CESPT) as part of its strategies to avoid the prolonged lack of water in various neighborhoods of the city.

On this occasion, more than 80 neighborhoods in the border city will present a water cut for 24 hours this Saturday, August 29, from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., according to the CESPT 

In turn, the affected population is asked to reserve only the necessary water for this day , while the rest are invited to take care of this vital liquid, especially in this hot season, which is when its consumption increases .

In case your neighborhood does not appear in the following list and you do not know which section it belongs to, you can enter the following link .

Here is the list of the colonies that will not have water this Saturday:

Tijuana State Public Services Commission
Tijuana State Public Services Commission

Was your neighborhood one of those affected? Has it appeared more than once in the list of recent “rounds”?

Related Video: CESPT presents its new phone service

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