Family is run over by a car south of Mazatlan


A woman died in the accident and a baby is seriously injured

Mazatlan, Sinaloa.- A dead woman, a man, and a baby seriously injured, is the result of an accident that occurred on the International Highway south of the city.

At 01:00 hours this Monday, the emergency services received a report of an accident between the community of Calerita and Villa Unión, where the complainants revealed that they had run over a family who was traveling on a motorcycle and that they were they were lying in the middle of the street.

Rescue elements from the Villa Unión receivership quickly mobilized to the area, and upon arrival they checked the health of the motorcycle crew and realized that the female had already died, while a man and a baby from 9 months they were in serious health.

Family accident

Both were stabilized on the spot and taken to the receivership hospital, to later be transferred to the General Hospital in Mazatlán.

Meanwhile, the area was cordoned off by local authorities until the arrival of experts to lift the body.

So far it is unknown what type of vehicle it was that hit the family.


The Mazatlan Post