Cruise ships will return to Mazatlan


Carnival Cruise Line announced its return for November and Princess Cruises for mid-December

Mazatlán, Sin.- It will be at the end of the year when the tourist cruises return to Mazatlán, revealed the president of the Association of Drivers Guides of Tourists Rafael Buelna, Melesio Quintero.

He stated that the different shipping lines have postponed their return, recently Carnival Cruise Line announced its return to the city for November, while Princess Cruises will do so until December 15.

“The dates have been postponed, first they announced that they would return in July, then August, September and then they left until November and December, so the dates have been postponed every 15 days, each month the times are going through,” he said.

Melesio Quintero commented that this represents a serious blow to the pocket of the families that carry out this work, since they have already been out of work for five months.

He expressed that 90% of their activity is with the shipping tourist and the one that arrives right now is 100 percent national and although they have some products for this market, they are still paralyzed.

“Most of the visitors come from towns near Mazatlán and many of them travel in their own vehicles, therefore, they do not require such services,” he said.

For the tourist guide, this situation has been very difficult for the 50 members, some of whom have left the activity indefinitely.

According to the schedule of the Comprehensive Port Administration of Mazatlán, from March 1 to July 30, there were 59 cruise ships that had stopped arriving with around 150 thousand visitors and a loss of more than 10 million dollars in economic income.

Nine ships were scheduled for August, for September 5 and October 16, bringing the total to 89 cruises from March to October.


59 cruise ships stopped arriving in Mazatlán from March 1 to July 30.

150 thousand visitors did not enjoy the port.

10 million dollars of loss in economic spillover.


The Mazatlan Post