CFE Indifferent to the needs of Baja California Sur


Lilzy Orci, president of the Los Cabos Hotel Association announced that a critical panorama is expected for Baja California Sur, in which representatives of the Federal Electricity Commission have nothing definite regarding improvement works, which are very necessary, “one day they say one thing and then another while, that the affected are the South Californians,” she began.

Lilzy Orci,
Lilzy Orci

She explained that the issue of electric power and high tariffs has been a topic that has been addressed for years and to date there has been no response and that it is too important for any industry, not just the hotel industry. 

“In these 3 years, the cost of energy rose above 100 percent, specific 140% and everything went from one moment to another,” said the interviewee for CPS News.

She also said that another problem that adds to the issue is that since last year we began to notice more and more problems with energy supply and not only in generation but also transmission.

“Situation that should be given prompt attention because this service is something that we require for the daily operation of a company or home.”

She concluded by saying that a clear picture has not been seen by the authorities, so businessmen have planned strategic actions for the summer, seeing that the energy issue will fall short since blackouts will continue to be the order of the day.


The Mazatlan Post