Covid-19 in Sonora: 31 deaths and 400 new confirmed infections


July 30th 2020

In Sonora, 31 deaths and 407 new cases were confirmed by Covid-19, accumulating to the list of one thousand 756 deaths and 18 thousand 526 cases confirmed by the disease, in addition that 13 thousand 889 people have recovered and 24 patients, yesterday were given of high.

Vanessa Arteaga Cárdenas, a doctor from the Ministry of Health, indicated that the 31 deaths occurred in 24 men and seven women, who range from 37 to 92 years old.

He explained that 21 of the deceased are residents of Hermosillo, of San Luis Río Colorado there are five, of Guaymas and Agua Prieta, two each and one more from Navojoa, who started symptoms between July 3 and 9, and died between July 12 and 19.

The people who died, he added, 26 belong to the IMSS, three to the Isssteson and two to the Ministry of Health.

Arteaga Cárdenas commented that of the 407 new confirmed cases, 219 occurred in women and in 188 men, residents of Hermosillo (248), Caborca ​​(39), Agua Prieta (36), Huatabampo (15), Navojoa (13) and San Luis Colorado River (8).

They also belong to San Ignacio Río Muerto (7), Empalme (6), Cananea (6), Cajeme (5), Guaymas (4), Etchojoa (3), Nogales (3), Pitiquito (2), Benito Juárez (2 ), Rosario Tesopaco (2), Plutarco Elías Calles (1), Puerto Peñasco (1), Sáric (1), Oquitoa (1), Magdalena (1) and Suaqui Grande (1).

Among them twelve pediatric cases, in six girls and six boys between zero and 14 years old, residents of Hermosillo, seven; Agua Prieta and Nogales, two each and Suaqui Grande, one, accumulating 189 pediatric cases, “he said.
The doctor noted that five new cases were confirmed in pregnant women, of which three are residents of Hermosillo, one from San Luis Río Colorado and one more from Caborca, which accumulate to a total of 171 cases of Covid-19 in women. pregnant since the pandemic began on March 16.

Of the 407 confirmed cases, ten occurred in health workers, belonging to the municipalities of Hermosillo (4), Caborca ​​(3), Puerto Peñasco (1), Cajeme (1) and Guaymas (1).

The presenter urged the Sonorans to come to seek medical attention immediately when presenting symptoms of the disease.


The Mazatlan Post