There are 6 subdivisions and 2 towers pending to be constructed in Mazatlan


Recently the Mazatlan council has approved these projects

Mazatlan, Sinaloa.- The director of Planning and Sustainable Urban Development in Mazatlán, Jorge Estavillo Kelly, revealed that in the municipality there are procedures for the creation of at least six new subdivisions.

“Subdivisions that are in the process of being complemented are around six, seven, which have already passed certain stages of the project,” he said, after recalling that the Cabildo recently approved the creation of two more.

In turn, he noted that two new condominium towers have already been approved for the destination.

“The large projects that were stopped have been reactivated little by little. They have started again to resume, there are a couple of towers that have just been authorized, just as others come, “he said.

“Good developments have come in, very good things are coming for Mazatlán,” added Estavillo Kelly.


The Mazatlan Post