Few visitors in Mazatlan


Some areas are closed to walkers

Mazatlan, Sinaloa.- Few tourists can be seen through the emblematic points of Mazatlán.

When making a tour of the different attractions of the port, it was found that so far few people are arriving in the city.

This is due to the reopening of the Mazatlan to walk with the family, however, the hotels have not yet opened, nor the beaches or the vendor areas, as this will be until July 1.


The taxi drivers, pulmoneros and aurigueros that circulate along Avenida Del Mar only turn and sound their horns at the few pedestrians that observe on the boardwalk, but none request the service.

When going to the Mirador and El Corazón area, there were only a few people who crossed the cordoned off area and took pictures, while the Paseo del Centenario is closed from the Shield to the Mirador, making it difficult for motorists to enter to the place.

Source: reaccioninformativa.com

The Mazatlan Post