In May 2019, Mexican activist Gilberto Lozano, director-general of the “Consejo Nacional de Ciudadanos” or CONACI and currently a member of the Frente Nacional Anti-AMLO – FRENAAA, published a video. He stated that López Obrador and his party MORENA were seeking to establish a new version of a Latin American “Castro-Chavista” socialism in Mexico, by following the Communist Agenda of the Sao Paulo Forum.

Morena, López Obrador’s political party, is openly a member of the Sao Paulo Forum, supported by socialist groups and candidates with Marxist overtones who seek to reach popularly elected positions through “liberal” parties. Morena seeks to operate in the style of Salvador Allende in Chile in 1970 or with Hugo Chávez and El Gran Polo Patriótico Simón Bolívar a political coalition created on the eve of the 2012 presidential elections to bring together the political and social forces that supported the re-election of Hugo Chávez Frías as president of Venezuela.
As with Chavez at the time, AMLO’s broad triumph was achieved because he used the banner of the fight against poverty and corruption in Mexico, but we cannot forget something. The world champions in corruption were and are, up to now, the socialist dictatorships. What better examples than Venezuela, Cuba, Brazil, or Nicaragua?
The steps to lead Mexico towards a “Castro-Chavista regime” were obtained from documents dated July 17th, 2018, after the 24th meeting of the Sao Paulo Forum, a Latin American socialist congregation born after the collapse of the Soviet Union in Havana, Cuba. These documents can be read on the FRENAAA website.

The document presented by Gilberto Lozano states the following:
“The political organizations gathered in São Paulo find a great stimulus to reaffirm our socialist, anti-imperialist and popular conceptions and objectives in the emergence and development of vast social, democratic and popular forces in the continent that face the alternatives of imperialism and neoliberal capitalism and their consequences of suffering, misery, backwardness and anti-democratic oppression. This reality confirms the left and socialism as necessary and emerging alternatives”. (SIC)
Below are the stages of the São Paulo Forum to install its agenda in Mexico. Under each point, what the López Obrador government has done so far.
STAGE 1 (2019-2020)
Create a military guard
The National Guard serves as the national police of the United Mexican States, and its function is to provide public security to the Mexican Federation. It was founded on February 28th, 2019. (Done)
Submitting the legislative and judicial branches to a single power
Lopez Obrador attempted a reform of the Judiciary focused on fighting corruption. Eventually, AMLO had to stop his plan to transform the justice system and chose to support a proposal from the president of the Supreme Court of Justice.
In April, López Obrador sent an initiative to modify Article 21 of the Federal Law of Budget and Fiscal Responsibility, to be able to alter the PEF without restrictions, in case of economic emergencies in the country, among many others. (In-process)
Gender equity
López Obrador does not believe in this issue, hence his confrontation with feminist groups.
Demystifying religions.
AMLO has allied himself with various Protestant/Evangelical churches to disseminate the “Moral Constitution” booklet.
Control of the media, propaganda to promote the cult of the leader.
Currently, there are three conferences on the day. Besides, the work of the “first-row journalists” whose job it is to make the president look good, is recognized. Uncorroborated versions mention that they are paid in cash (to leave no trace) by AMLO’s government. AMLO’s government controls thousands of bots in social networks, whose function is the perennial attack on journalists, communicators, and Mexican and international media.
Progressive Agenda
Large symbolic projects that capture the attention of the population
Mayan Train, Dos Bocas, Santa Lucia Airport
Reform of education, indoctrination, and class struggle.
In October 2019, the SNTE endorsed its alliance with AMLO after modifying the secondary laws of the Education Reform. Several videos have been recorded and shown on social networks that demonstrate indoctrination to children. Also, due to the Covid-19 pandemic emergency, the Ministry of Public Education implemented virtual classes for kindergarten, primary and secondary students, which are broadcast on radio, television, and the Internet. In social networks, users published the history class for the 9th grade of secondary school last April 28th, which was about López Obrador’s favorite subject. “Neoliberalism in Mexico”.
Expand the party’s supporters
Apart from clientele projects such as pensions and scholarships, among others, the “committees for the defense of the 4t” are in the process of being set up. Three hundred have already been established, out of the 3,000 projected.
-STAGE 2 Political and mass control (2021-2022)
Social networks and block parties.
So far, it is proven that there are thousands of bots in favor of AMLO and his 4t. Among the most visible is the “Amlove network.” Its members work via android mobile phone with more than 20 fake Twitter accounts and as many on Facebook.
The block parties were interrupted by the pandemic. There are records of several popular kermesses before COVID-19.
Reinforce the fight for the poor under the banner of corruption and neoliberalism.
This point is a constant in practically every “morning conference” of López Obrador. The company SPIN has made specific measurements.
Total control of the Internet
In the portal, Andrés Manuel López Obrador assured that in 2022 the government of the Fourth Transformation would have fulfilled its commitment to bring Internet service to all of Mexico.
Paramilitaries who can evade human rights if necessary.
Although the term “paramilitary” is not in everyday use in Mexico, the presence of irregular armies throughout the territory has multiplied in the last 15 years. They are now known to be antagonistic to the government, but there is nothing to suggest that this could not change and that an alliance with the political power exists. These are some of the most powerful: Sinaloa Cartel, Los Zetas, New Generation Jalisco Cartel, La Familia Michoacana, Gulf Cartel, Tijuana Cartel, Los Caballeros Templarios, Juarez Cartel.
Mapping business people so they are marginalized and eventually flee the country.
“The businessmen have confiscated the institutions. They don’t want to stop stealing or lose the privilege of being in charge. They are a rapacious minority. They feel they are the masters of Mexico. López Obrador in May 2018 during the 59th National Week of Radio and Television.
Alfonso Ramírez Cuéllar, president of MORENA, proposed that the INEGI have access to the banking and financial information of the population, to verify the real estate and financial assets of those who have monopolized the wealth of Mexico. The proposal is that the INEGI provides information related to the assets of the inhabitants every two years, but it is also oriented to know the concentration of power of some companies. Also, congressman Pablo Gomez, from Morena, has joined the proposal of his party’s national leader.
More people in the government. Create places for party members, eliminating those from previous governments.
On April 5th, López Obrador made a promise that surprised everyone: “… and this is very important, we are going to create in nine months, 2 million new jobs”. The question remains: where?
A parallel structure to control state governors.
The majority of MORENA in Congress approved the creation of a new figure that will serve as a link between the ministries of state and the state governments: the “superdelegates.” Their function is said to be the coordination and implementation of plans, programs, and actions for integral development, functions of citizen attention, the supervision of services, and programs in charge of the secretariats, agencies, and entities. However, governors and opposition parties have indicated that it violates the federal pact, and this figure was created to be Morena’s electoral operators.
A mechanism to control money through technology.
In June 2020, digital platforms that market products or services, such as Mercado Libre, Amazon, Uber, Netflix eBay, Apple Music, have had to implement new tax provisions. More strategies are known to come in the course of 2020
Bank control.
By January 2020, 1,350 Banco del Bienestar branches were in operation. Lopez Obrador has stated on multiple occasions that there will be 2,700 branches and will be done in 2020. The building will be in charge of military personnel.
What’s next?
STAGE 3 Distribution of Wealth (2023-2024)
Distribution of houses, land, companies to “The Party.”
Punishing the upper classes
Change of Constitution for re-election
Means of production in the hands of the state.
Capital belongs to everyone.
The information that Morena, Partido del Trabajo (Labor Party) and the Party of the Democratic Revolution PRD are part of the Sao Paulo Forum is fully confirmed and verified. The document with the stages on the FRENAAA website is not officially confirmed. However, Gilberto Lozano guarantees the validity of these and has committed to protecting his source.
One thing is certain and alarming. The similarities between the stages presented in the Sao Paolo Forum document and what has been done in the government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador are way too many to think that it could be a mere coincidence.
The Yucatan Times
Editorial Board
Merida, Yucatan
June 15th, 2020
The Mazatlan Post