50,000 food baskets prepared for Sinaloa fishermen for 240 fishing communities


Sinaloa.- With the aim of supporting 25,000 food baskets for 240 communities and fishing fields throughout the state, the Emerging Food Program for Families of Fishermen started yesterday, were 50,000 food baskets will be distributed.

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The 50,000 food baskets will be distributed for two months in coordination with the Ministry of Fisheries and Aquaculture and the Fishing Cooperatives, informed the president of the State DIF, Rosy Fuentes de Ordaz.

“We are very happy to give this flag of support for the fishing fields and communities, the situation is really very difficult … even and with the contingency, which we thought was difficult to start this program, we started this being the fourth consecutive year that we have carried it out and we will give 50,000 food baskets for around 25,000 families in these communities, for two months: June and July ”.

Sergio Torres Félix, head of the Secretariat of Fisheries and Aquaculture in Sinaloa, expressed his appreciation for this support that they provide to the fishing sector of 240 communities, between fields and fishing communities, as it is a great help to benefit to 25,000 fishermen and their families

Source: pmxportal.com

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