‘With your mouth shut, you’re less ugly’ Baja governor to Trump


Baja California Gov. Jaime Bonilla made some scathing remarks about President Donald Trump in response to Trump mistakenly saying the city of Tijuana “is the most heavily infected place anywhere in the world.”

Trump made those comments in reference to COVID-19 during a Friday news conference.

The numbers don’t support it.

According to Baja California’s Secretary of Health, Tijuana has dad 2,276 confirmed COVID-19 cases since the pandemic began, with only 84 active cases right now.

In San Diego County just north of the border, the figures are much higher according to the county’s own website, which shows 8,345 documented Coronavirus cases.

Tijuana General Hospital

When asked about Trump’s remarks, Bonilla was sarcastically critical.

(Calladito te ves más bonito) “When you’re quiet, you’re less ugly,” Bonilla said about Trump.

But he didn’t stop there.

“Mr. Trump sees the straw in someone else’s eye but does not see the beam in his own — instead of looking at the other side of the fence to see what is wrong, first take a look within your own house,” Bonilla said.

Tijuana’s Mayor Arturo Gonzalez Cruz also responded to President Trump’s allegations about Tijuana.

Tijuana’s Mayor Arturo Gonzalez also made some comments about the negative remarks about his city cordially inviting Trump to visit Tijuana so “he could realize that he was given the wrong information.”

In a tweet posted by Gonzalez, he wrote: “The declarations made by Donald Trump are understandable, I don’t judge him. In the country with the most COVID-19 deaths in the world, protests in more than 50 cities and elections knocking at the door, it’s understandable that he has to distract and focus attention on something or someone else and Tijuana was singled out.”

Source: (Border Report)

The Maatlan Post