Sinaloa couple sings on the street to raise money and buy milk for their baby (VIDEO)


A couple with a 4-month-old baby seeks help from people and sings in front of a supermarket in Culiacan.

A young couple who lost their jobs due to the pandemic decided to go outside and sing in exchange for a few coins, in order to overcome their economic condition.

Karla affirmed that her husband lost his job since one day they had money to buy the milk of the son of both, just 4 months old.

Because they could not wait to buy food for the little boy, the man went to sing to the public transport buses of Culiacán, in Sinaloa, in order to collect some coins.

In addition, Karla had to stop working by putting nails, pedicure, and doing hairstyles, due to sanitary measures against the coronavirus, which led to the closure of non-essential businesses. In addition, an assault on the premises where she carried out her work took away her tools.

For this reason, with the baby in their arms, both young men stand outside a supermarket in the Barrancos neighborhood, holding a sign asking for some support to buy food, diapers and pay other needs, such as the rent for the house where they live.


The Mazatlan Post