Mazatlan Hoteliers ask the authorities to be strict on health certification needed to reopen


Businessmen are in favor of opening the hospitality the second week of June

Mazatlán, Sinaloa.- Hotel businessmen spoke in favor of the reopening of hotels announced by the Governor of Sinaloa, Quirino Ordaz Coppel in the second week of June, and that two months ago partially closed their doors due to the health emergency for Covid-19.

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José Rosario Gámez Valles, member of the Marketing Committee of the Association of Hotels and Tourist Companies of Mazatlán, stated that he is in favor of opening them as soon as possible, however, he said that they will take all possible responsibility in terms of new health protocols

“We have an extremely strict protocol for our collaborators, we have the personnel truck with all the sanitary measures, they are checked to bring the mouth mask in good condition, they go through a sanitary fence and if the temperature exceeds 37.5 degrees, that employee it is returned, although it has not happened to us, “he explained.

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Gamez Valles suggested that the corresponding authorities be strict not to allow anyone who does not have a health certification, to have a strict review by Sectur, the Ministry of Health and Civil Protection, and to put that seal on the entrance. of health certification.

Gámez Valles concluded that since they had to close due to the health contingency, they have been prepared for the reopening.

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The Mazatlan Post