At 50% capacity, cruise ships could return to Los Cabos


The proposal of the shipping companies could become a reality in the month of August.

The financial catastrophe that represents the pandemic of COVID 19 to the cruise industry in the world, has had repercussions in Los Cabos, adding 78 canceled arrivals for this 2020.

Leaving aside regretting the losses estimated at hundreds of thousands of dollars for the port of Cabo San Lucas, and an estimated less than two hundred and fifty thousand tourists who may not receive the destination so far this year, there is hope that reactivate the shipping industry on the Mexican Riviera route.

Five Cruise Ships in Cabo 2009 - Los Cabos Guide

Fernando Hoyos Romero, general manager of the Comprehensive Port Administration (API) of Cabo San Lucas, announced that there is a possibility of receiving the first cruise “post quarantine” in the month of August.

“We have a total of 78 cruise ship arrivals canceled until August and this is beginning to spread. The first tests of cruise arrival could be given in the month of September, however, there is a window of opportunity in August only if one of the shipping lines complies with the basic measures that are required of it in the ports of origin, it is they will probably start with the first tests. ”

However, the CSL API holder explained, the ship would not come to 100% capacity and under strict travel criteria to guarantee the minimum risk of COVID 19 infections.

“They will only have one detail, the ships will not travel 100% of their total passenger transport, the capacity with which they will allow travel is between 50% and 80%. This with preventive actions of social distancing on board and epidemiological control measures on boarding, during the trip, on visiting destinations and on returning to the ports of origin, ”explained Fernando Hoyos Romero.

The general manager of the port agency abounded, useful time has been spent during the quarantine to keep the port of Cabo San Lucas in the best conditions when the economy reactivates.


The Mazatlan Post