Mexicans denounce the high increases in CFE electricity bills


Where the hell am I going to get money to pay the increased electricity bill?

“Without work and now it is twice as much as last time,” complain CFE users.Where the hell am I going to get to pay the electricity bill?

La Paz, Baja California Sur.- “Where the hell am I going to get 4,900 pesos”, Dona Margarita almost shouted when she saw the electricity bill that this two-month period will have to pay for the consumption of electrical energy in her home in La Paz colony October 8.

“If they are forcing us to stay at home and they don’t let us go out to work, the truth is that I’m struggling to buy food, as for now, these very expensive receipts reach us, almost double. I was paying between 2,500 and 2,300 pesos, what has just come to us is rudeness from the CFE, ”lamented the lady from La Paz.

On social networks, families expressed their discomfort and requested the support of the corresponding authorities in what they say is another blow to the pocket of the South Californians.

Doña Margarita, a merchant living in the traditional neighborhood of 8 de Octubre reflected: “I do not think I am the only one who will not be able to pay the electricity, there is no money, we have four fortnights without working, without charging, it is a very complex situation.”

But not only in La Paz will users of the world-class company struggle to pay the electricity bill for this period, in the municipality of Los Cabos, Mr. Arnulfo Martínez, but a neighbor of Mesa Colorada also added: “they want to starve us to death They don’t want to take out every last penny. I received the receipt of 1,500 pesos at home, and 4,000 pesos in my business, it cannot be; The truth is that I think the house goes up because we were all there, but the business, why did it come more expensive, if it was closed? Does it mean that the rates increased and it does not matter if you used more light or not, simply went up and period? “, questioned.

The people of Sinaloa raised their voices to denounce the high increases in electricity bills, despite the crisis that the state is going through due to the pandemic generated by COVID-19

Sinaloenses denounced a considerable increase in the collection of their electricity bill, corresponding to the second two months of the year, and considered that this is one more “thrust” to the difficult situation that the country is going through, caused by COVID -19.          

Among the citizens who raised their voices, increases of more than 250 percent stand out, in the specific case of a family that went from paying 1,400 to 3,700 pesos. Even people who received a receipt of 7,500 pesos, 2,500 pesos more than the previous receipt, so they exhibited this “injustice”.

“It is not explained. The truth, the truth, we do not know how it is because they had said that the light would go up but we do not know if it is for that reason or because the airs are more on, but it is the same, consumerism the same. We do not know how businesses will survive with this increase, because it is everywhere, “said a citizen from Guasave.

“It came to me more than normal and it seems unfair to me that many people are running out of work due to the situation and have to pay a high electricity bill. Here in my house we are not consuming more, we are consuming the same as always, ”commented a citizen from Culiacan.

The increase in the receipt of electricity, occurs within the framework of the agreement published by the Ministry of Energy, to curb private investment in the generation of clean or renewable energy, which has generated many adverse opinions.


The Mazatlan Post