When and how do classes restart in Mexico


Federal authorities reported that on June 1 it will be possible to enter the new normal after the pandemic, however, most governors have decided that face-to-face classes will not resume this school year.

The Ministry of Public Education (SEP) established that from June 1, when the National Sana Distancia Day for the new coronavirus ends, a new normality could begin to resume after the pandemic and children could return to face-to-face classes. However, each state can make decisions about it.

Therefore, the return to schools could be until the next school year in some entities. 

Even on the resumption of activities, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador emphasized that the states have autonomy: “This plan is of voluntary application (…) if there is a municipal authority that according to the characteristics of each region , of each state, decides that it will not abide by this plan, there will be no controversy, we will not fight, “he said last week.

Below we tell you what we are going to take up the classroom classes or the measures they adopt in this regard.

When do they return to classes in Aguascalientes

The Aguascalientes government stated that the school year will continue at a distance, except for students who do not have internet access, which will be distributed in the entity’s public schools to take face-to-face classes in June and July.

“The school year is not over, distance education will continue, but I have to understand that there are 20 percent, approximately 30, (of students) who do not have the Internet. How to do it ?, well, distribute them in small schools, different shifts, different spaces, so that there is no crowding and take care of the children, ”explained Governor Martín Orozco in an interview with the De Pisa and Corre program of Grupo Imagen.

When do they return to classes in  Baja California?

The Baja California government decided that the school year will end on July 17 at a distance, although it did not rule out an in-person return to classrooms if the coronavirus traffic light signals that the entity is green and can return to normal life activities. daily. In addition, it established that the next school year will begin on August 24.

When do they return to classes in  Baja California Sur

Baja California Sur Governor Carlos Mendoza Davis said the 2019-2020 school year was suspended before the health contingency due to the pandemic of the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, which causes the covid-19 disease.

“The 2019-2020 school year will be closed due to the risk that the coronavirus pandemic continues to present in Baja California Sur,” said the president.

Mendoza Davis recalled that within the actions taken by the state government they have included as a priority the suspension of school activities at all educational levels since last April 21, 2020, “with the sole purpose of safeguarding the integrity of more than 240 thousand South California students and their families. ”

When do they return to classes in  Campeche

The Governor of Campeche, Carlos Miguel Aysa , ruled out that on June 1 there will be a return to classroom attendance in the entity and announced that the local health authorities will determine when it is feasible to return to the classroom.

“In Campeche we will not jeopardize the health or safety of students or teachers, so the return to schools on June 1 is completely ruled out,” he said.

When do they return to classes in  Coahuila

The Governor of Coahuila, Miguel Ángel Riquelme Solís, said that the students will not return to the classrooms, this in relation to the conclusion of the school year at all educational levels by reiterating that this would complicate other strategies such as economic reactivation and would promote contagion.

“The decision of my government is that distance education will be the premise to be able to finish the school year, I will have a meeting with the educational part tomorrow and the day after that in order to define strategies that will somehow strengthen this school year,” he said.

When do they return to classes in  Colima

The Governor of Colima, José Ignacio Peralta, reported that this school year will end on June 17 at a distance , due to cases of coronavirus in the entity. “

In a statement , the president stated that” returning to schools would be the trigger for an explosive contagion due to the large number of students located in closed spaces. “

When do they return to classes in  Chiapas

Governor Rutilio Escandón Cadenas announced that in Chiapas the opening of schools and the resumption of face-to-face classes is postponed until the next school year , which begins on August 17, according to the instructions of the Ministry of Public Education (SEP) and federal and state Health authorities.

He informed that the student community will have their certificate of school completion and for those populations with difficult access, where the internet or all electronic communication does not reach, they will continue to provide special booklets, even in mother tongues, so that they can review the tasks and learn from your home.

When do they return to classes in  Chihuahua

The Secretary of Education and Sports of Chihuahua, Carlos González Herrera, reported that the school year will end on July 17 at home, as announced by Governor Javier Corral Jurado, in order not to expose students to the covid-19 pandemic. 

“This school year will conclude on July 17 and virtual and distance activities will continue so as not to expose students to the disease of covid-19 and the return to face-to-face classes will be in August and with sanitary measures,” he said. . 

When do they return to classes in  Mexico City

In Mexico City distance classes will be maintained at all educational levels, until the green traffic light, scheduled for August, is reached. 

When do they return to classes in  Durango

Classes in Durango will not resume after quarantine ends due to the coronavirus in the country on June 1, said the state governor, José Rosas Aispuro.

The president assured that, in coordination with parents as well as with leaders of union organizations, the decision was made not to return to classes since the state is on the pending line of the health contingency and “there would be no point in putting at risk to the student population. “

When do they return to classes in  Guanajuato

The Guanajuato Ministry of Education is outlining the strategy for the return of students to classrooms, which will be two weeks before the new school year; One of the plans is to divide the groups into two parts, where each part will attend classrooms on certain days while the rest will follow with a distance study plan.

Yoloxóchitl Bustamante Díez, Secretary of Education in Guanajuato, said that once the date for the new school year is defined, students will be able to return to classrooms two weeks before the start of the new course in order to have a regularization process.

“The children of a certain group will be able to attend Monday, Tuesday and part of Friday and the following week Thursday and Friday, one hour and half the other and the days that they do not attend school they will continue to work remotely, not virtually, because they do not everyone has access to virtuality, but they do remotely in their homes, as they have been working until now, ”he declared.

When do they return to classes in  Guerrero

The Guerrero government assured that there are no conditions to return to classes on June 1, because the covid-19 pandemic has not been controlled and the statistics on infections remain on the rise.

Astudillo Flores said that the scheme implemented by the Guerrero Ministry of Education (SEG), which has been supported by the “Learn at Home” program, will have to be continued to prevent the school year from being lost.

When do they return to classes in  Hidalgo Hidalgo

Governor Omar Fayad said that face-to-face classes will not return this school year to prevent the spread of the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, which causes covid-19 disease, and noted that measures to evaluate students are being analyzed.

The state president pointed out that none of the measures will be lifted in the coming days as he explained that cases in the entity are only increasing, however, he acknowledged that there are some companies that could resume activities.

When do they return to classes in  Jalisco

The Governor of Jalisco, Enrique Alfaro, said that the school return is completely ruled outr in the current cycle due to the coronavirus pandemic, so the current one will virtually end.

The president of Jalisco asked people not to relax and continue with social isolation, since “we are in the worst moment of the disease.”

When do they return to classes in the  State of Mexico

The Government of the State of Mexico has not informed about a possible return to classroom classes after the pandemic or if the school year will end at a distance and it has only been stated that coordination will be maintained with the federal authorities in this regard.

However, along with Mexico City, it is the entity that registers the most cases and deaths from the virus.

When do they return to classes in  Michoacán

The governor of Michoacán, Silvano Aureoles Conejo, assured that the return to classes will be until hygiene conditions exist. and security against the coronavirus that allows to resume student activities.

“We will not expose girls and boys, and their families, including their dearest grandparents, to risky and unnecessary return to school. We will evaluate very carefully, with as much time as necessary in the coming days “, he claimed.

When do they return to classes in  Morelos

State authorities have not given a date for the return to face-to-face classes although this course could be concluded online due to the increase in coronavirus cases in the entity in recent days and the peak of infections is expected to be in June.

“Due to the conditions in which we find ourselves, it is not considered, to resume classes this coming May 17, and at the end of May (it will also not be revalued… we have considerations that we will already make known depending on how the curve moves. epidemiological ”, indicated the state secretary of Health, Marco Antonio Cantú, on May 12.

 When do they return to classes in  Nayarit

The Governor of Nayarit, Antonio Echevarría García, announced that due to the increase in cases of coronavirus in the state, and to avoid risks of contagion, the school year will end at home with the distance education system. 

“We must not expose children or teachers to a pandemic that is still lurking. Let us close this phase with dignity and great desire. Let us prepare to start the 2020-2021 cycle.

“I have asked the teaching leaders, academics and educational authorities to generate a school proposal consistent with the new reality, to design a new school, with a pilot school in each municipality capable of reconciling distance learning with partial physical presence”, the governor stated on May 15. 

When do they return to classes in  Nuevo León

The 2019-2020 school year will go down in the history of Nuevo León as the first to start in person and which will end with distance classes, online or through state radio and television, the state secretary of health announced.

“The Health Security Council concluded that classes should continue online, it is not convenient to return to school activities,” he said. 

When do they return to classes in  Oaxaca

Oaxaca Governor Alejandro Murat reported that the school year will continue with distance education in the 13 thousand schools of the basic education level and in the 7 thousand schools of the upper secondary education level until there are sanitary conditions and there are no risks of covid-19 infections in the school community.

“Back to school will occur until the level of danger of covid-19 infections has decreased and the health authorities determine that it is safe.” he claimed. 

When do they return to classes in  Puebla

The Ministry of Public Education reported that the 2019-2020 school year in the 217 municipalities of the state ends on June 30 and there is no provision for the return of students to face-to-face classes at any public school, so the school year will end online and the next one is expected to start on September 7. 

Previously, the Governor of Puebla, Miguel Barbosa, stated that “everyone is approved, nobody is going to fail the school year”, after decreeing the conclusion of the 2019-2020 school year in the state, although he pointed out that until August 3 teachers and administrators will return to face-to-face work to train them in health care and, thus, prevent coronavirus infections among the smallest. 

When do they return to classes in  Querétaro

The government of Querétaro, in accordance with the sanitary recommendations of the state Secretariat of Health and the technical committee, will maintain the distance education system from June 1 for the basic level of education in public and private instances.

This measure was taken with the intention of preventing the spread of covid-19; In this way, school activities will be maintained with strategies such as radio and television broadcasts, use of digital platforms, and the use of learning content booklets in communities that do not have access to the previous routes. 

When do they return to classes in  Quintana Roo

The state governor, Carlos Joaquín, announced that the school year will end on July 17, but the distance modality will be maintained, that is, they will not return to the educational classrooms and the evaluation criteria will be part of the consensus with the Basic educational infrastructure and there will be academic compensation.

We recommend you: Teachers without SEP notification “for everyone to pass”: SNTE 51CNTE demands safe return to classes

When do they return to classes in  San Luis Potosí

The governor of San Luis Potosí, Juan Manuel Carreras, affirmed that the classroom classes will not return throughout June , nor will any of the industries resume, since they expect the contagion summit to be that month with up to 50 cases a day.

When do they return to classes in  Sinaloa

The Secretary of Public Education and Culture of Sinaloa reported that the school year in the entity will conclude at a distance by order of Governor Quirino Ordaz due to the high number of coronavirus infections.

“The governor has instructed me to finish the school year at a distance and to do so taking into account the context and realities in our schools in remote communities, such as Tacuichamona, Surutato, La Concha, El Walamo, Los Reyes; and according to each municipality, as we did with the school filters in each school, being the first state in the country to take these preventative measures in schools and 15 days later it would be carried throughout the federation, “he recalled.

When do they return to classes in  Sonora

Sonora Governor Claudia Pavlovich announced May 13 that the school year will end virtually to avoid new coronavirus infections.

“I want to be very clear: under no circumstances will I take measures that jeopardize the health of our most valuable treasures: our children. For this reason, I have decided that, in Sonora, the current school cycle of basic education follows and concludes with the children at home , ”she said.

When do they return to classes in  Tabasco

So far, the Tabasco government has not released information on the return to face-to-face classes in the entity, however, it could conclude at a distance due to the increase in cases in recent days.

When do they return to classes in  Tamaulipas

The Governor of Tamaulipas, Francisco García Cabeza de Vaca, announced that the 2019-2020 school year will conclude through virtual or online classes and the next one is expected to start on August 24, although it is still being evaluated if it will be in person.

“I inform you that following the recommendation of the State Committee for Health Safety, the 2019-2020 School Cycle will conclude through virtual or online classes, including Public and Private Universities,” he announced on social networks. 

When do they return to classes in  Tlaxcala

Tlaxcala Governor Marco Mena reported that classes in the state education system will not resume on June 1 as it was tentatively foreseen, because there are no health conditions for this effect due to the increase in cases of covid-19. 

When do they return to classes in  Veracruz

Veracruz Governor Cuitláhuac García stated that students will not return to class while there is the coronavirus contingency, specifying that the school year will not be missed either. 

“The school year will not be lost either in Mexico or in Veracruz; tell them that we here in Veracruz before the presence in schools was suspended due to the health contingency, we had more than 64 percent of the coverage of school content, “he said. 

When do they return to classes in  Yucatan

In Yucatan there will be no return to classroom classes At no educational level in the remainder of this school year, Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal said, evaluating that there are no optimal conditions for the face-to-face return to classrooms.  “Our high priority is to protect the health of the students, teachers, and staff who work in the state education system,” he said, announcing new measures, such as the gradual reopening of the economy.

When do they return to classes in  Zacatecas

The governor of Zacatecas, Alejandro Tello, decided that the current school year should be completed remotely due to the risk of coronavirus and if conditions allow it, the next one would begin in August with face-to-face classes.

“The head of the Executive Branch announced that the suspension of classroom classes will cover the entire state educational system, including public and private universities, so he will hold a dialogue with the different actors so that they join this strategy in favor of society as a whole, “the state government said in a statement.

Source: milenio.com

The Mazatlan Post