It is required that the State Government allocate resources for the creation and operation of this new department, explains the head of the Sedectur in Mazatlán

Mazatlán, Sinaloa.- The Office of Congresses and Conventions (OCC) has been announced as an attractive and important project for Mazatlán. However, it has not received the necessary boost from the State Government, said David González Torrentera, head of the Secretariat of Economic Development, Tourism and Fisheries of Mazatlán, Sedectur.
The municipal official said that in other states of the Republic these offices exist and that they are financed by the state governments thanks to the proceeds from the Lodging Tax, but that in the case of Sinaloa the support has not been seen to materialize it. In turn, he explained that the municipality is not capable of financing the expenses that ensure its operation and functioning.
“There has been a refusal on the part of some State authorities regarding the allocation of resources for this office.”
“There has been a refusal here, I commented with the Secretary (of Tourism in the State) that this is an opportunity to make the use of this resource transparent because Mazatlán has no participation or knowledge in this matter (…) and to determine – I do not know if through law or a decree – that an operating amount be established for the Office, ”he mentioned.

The municipal official specified that this market is an area of opportunity at this time in which the health contingency has left some “pending” events for the time being, which could begin to reactivate tourism activity.
He also detailed that Sinaloa annually collects around 100 million pesos thanks to this tax and that Mazatlán contributes about 80 percent of its total. Of said percentage, he said, the expo and convention tourism market contribute around 20 percent, an amount that he considers pertinent to be allocated to this new department.

“Having these offices is a guarantee and tranquility for the organizers of the events because it is a support that they can have: by having it, we give them the confidence that in the city there is a counterpart of them who will be supporting them to take I carry out these events in the best way, ”he argued.
González Torrentera specified that tourism in this sector usually leaves a significant economic spill, well above the traditional tourist, because while the average tourist of this type generates a spill of $ 853 during the 2.5 days that he stays at the destination ($ 380 daily), the average traditional tourist spends up to $ 80 a day.

The Mazatlan Post