Queretaro analyzes protocols to reactivate the economy in 5 phases


Querétaro, Qro. Prior to the start of the economic reactivation process, the Secretariat of Sustainable Development (Sedesu) studies models of sanitary protocols to be implemented once the productive sectors resume functions.

The state government has designed a process to comply with the protocols established by the Federation, informed the secretary of Sustainable Development (Sedesu), Marco Antonio del Prete Tercero.

He presented to business organizations models that have been applied in other countries; He added that it seeks to prioritize the activation of sectors, based on their economic relevance, but in accordance with measures that mitigate the risk of contagion.

In the state – he explained – the economic reactivation process will be carried out in five steps that will be carried out in coordination with the companies.

The first phase is the guidelines, a step that consists of the presentation that the federal Health Secretariat will make regarding the security conditions that must be met by all sectors; in turn, the different dependencies must design the implementation guides for their unions.

The second is the convocation and sectoral meetings, stage in which the secretaries will present the elaborated guides before the members of their sectors.

The third is social participation, in which the members of the different unions will be in charge of designing their proposals and presenting their observations to each agency, so that the holders of the same validate the resolutions.

The fourth is to make adjustments, during this phase the businesses will make the necessary adjustments and declare themselves ready to return to their activities; time in which the state administration will authorize the protocol established as a whole, seeking to have a safe interaction.

While the last phase is the gradual return, so the return to activities will begin with random inspections of the authorities to the businesses, with the progress of this process, measurements of the results will be made and, where appropriate, adjustments to the guidelines of interaction.

Regarding economic reactivation strategies, the state secretariat plans to create a safe consumption platform, through which micro, small and medium-sized companies will promote their products or services, which will be available to the population, acquiring them with measures safety and health, to keep distance.

Also, he added, it is planned to present models to follow for the interaction and coexistence of the population.

In this context, the state secretary has stated that the reactivation of sectors such as the state’s automotive industry must be carried out in accordance with health protocols within the workplace.

According to the secretary, these health provisions must be extended to the transfer processes of the workers, as well as guaranteeing that the measures are maintained when they reach their homes.

The reactivation of this industry – he added – will be subject to the development of mechanisms that prevent the spread of the pandemic or the emergence of new outbreaks of contagion.

Preparation process

Therefore, from May 18 to 31, the safety and hygiene protocols that will be implemented in work centers that carry out essential activities must be prepared, explained the state Secretary of Labor, Mario Ramírez Retolaza.

He added that the companies that will receive the minimum of their personnel to reactivate their production, must previously inform them of the protocols.

The state agency listed measures that must be followed, such as:

  • Always wear face masks, from home, on the move to work, during work activities and back home.
  • At the entrance to the facilities it is mandatory to keep a healthy distance.
  • The company’s Medical Service will take the temperature before entering.
  • It is mandatory to go through the sanitizing mats.
  • Inside the work center, keep the distance between colleagues at check-in, in the bathrooms and in the dining room.
  • Respect the safe distance marks indicated on the floor.
  • Avoid handshakes and kisses, as well as conversations that do not comply with healthy distance measures.
  • In the case of using ATMs (in the work centers that have them), respect the healthy distance and apply antiviral gel before and after using it.
  • Workers should keep the work area daily clean and disinfected.
  • Perform hand washing several times a day.
  • Use of antiviral gel.
  • Doors will be kept open to avoid touching door handles.
  • Protectors will be installed on the production lines or acrylic masks will be used.
  • Employers must keep workers informed of new measures or recommendations that may be applied for their health care, inside the workplace.
  • Employers are also asked to keep staff aware of the measures that must be followed in their protocols through informative posters.

Source; eleconomista.com.mx

The Mazatlan Post