Oaxaca may give amnesty to indigenous people, political prisoners, and women imprisoned for aborting


Deputies of the 64th Legislature of the Oaxaca Congress, analyze a proposal to create a new Amnesty Law for the State to release political prisoners and people unjustly incarcerated in order to minimize the risks of contagion of covid-19 in prisons Of the entity.

This initiative consists of 11 articles and four transitory ones, and was presented before the plenary session by the local deputy Laura Estrada Mauro, who proposes to decree the amnesty for the crime of abortion, when the mother is accused of the product of the interrupted pregnancy, and when it is imputed. to the doctors, or to the midwives, as long as the practice has been carried out without violence.

Likewise, before crimes imputed to people belonging to indigenous peoples and communities, who have not had an interpreter or defender with knowledge of their language and culture.

This, he said, opens the door to one more option to minimize the risks of contagion, and of deaths that the COVID-19 pandemic implies, coupled with overcrowding in prisons that present critical levels in the State.

It also raises amnesty for the crime of simple robbery and without violence, provided that it does not warrant deprivation of liberty for more than five years. In addition, for sedition and political crime, or because they have invited or incited the commission of other crimes driven by political reasons.

According to the brunette legislator, this bill reinforces the LXIV Local Legislature’s human rights agenda, to release political prisoners and unjustly imprisoned people.

“Currently, there are cases of people deprived of their liberty, who have not yet received a sentence and that the time they have been in prison, in many of the cases, is already longer than the sentence they could receive,” argued Laura Estrada.

The Amnesty Law for the State of Oaxaca will not benefit those who have committed crimes against life, physical integrity, kidnapping or have used in the commission of the crime of violence or firearms.

According to the latest National Diagnosis of Penitentiary Supervision, carried out by the National Human Rights Commission (CNDH), Oaxaca obtained a rating of 6.03, due to the overcrowding that exists in these centers.

It should be noted that the reform in the same sense, recently approved in the Senate, applies only to those accused or sentenced by the federal jurisdiction, so that local congresses must pass laws for crimes of common jurisdiction.

Source: estado20.mx, oaxaca.eluniversal.com.mx

The Mazatlan Post