MEXICO COVID UPDATE: Colima, Durango, Zacatecas, and Campeche the states with the least number of COVID-19 infected


April 24, 2020

1,069 deaths and 11,633 confirmed cases have been recorded, reported the Ministry of Health

In Mexico, the number of cases of people infected with COVID-19 increased to 11,633 confirmed patients, reported the Ministry of Health (SSa). The death toll rose to 1,069.

The confirmed cases accumulated by state entity as of April 23 are 3,157 in Mexico City, 1,734 in the State of Mexico, and 1,085 in Baja California. Colima with 16Durango with 18, Zacatecas with 48 and Campeche with 49, are the states with the least infected.

The active epidemic, the cases confirmed in the last 14 days, is concentrated in Mexico City with 1,268 cases, the State of Mexico with 642, and Baja California with 290. The least amount is found in San Luis Potosí, with 13, and Colima, with seven.

The incidence rate of active cases in Mexico is 3.22 per 100,000 inhabitants in; and the least in Jalisco and San Luis Potosí.

Graph, count and statistics: Jovani Pérez / Infobae México
Graph, count and statistics: Jovani Pérez / Infobae México

José Luis Alomía, General Director of Epidemiology, reported that there are 7,588 accumulated suspected cases and 39,664 accumulated negative cases. In the country, there are 4,127 confirmed active cases and a total of 58,885 people studied.

Dr. Alomia also reported that the graph of the accumulated active cases by date of onset of symptoms, from April 10 to 22, is “maintained”: with around 4,000 cases in the last four or five days.

On the other hand, within the accumulated deaths by state entity from March 18 to April 23, Mexico City is the entity with the highest number, followed by Baja California and the State of Mexico. The three states with the fewest deaths are Zacatecas, Aguascalientes, and Colima.

Graphic: Jovani Pérez / Infobae México
Graphic: Jovani Pérez / Infobae México

Within the graph of confirmed and suspected cases by date of onset of symptoms and date of registration, Alomía stated that the trend of confirmed cases can continue or continue depending on the results of people with suspected cases.

Mexico is approaching the most difficult part of the pandemic, assured the World Health Organization (WHO), a panorama that is beginning to be perceived in the country that already registered the first day of the pandemic with more than a thousand infections in the past 22 of April.

The undersecretary of Prevention and Health Promotion, Hugo López-Gatell, announced this Wednesday that it is estimated that 8 out of 10 critically ill Mexicans will die from COVID-19.

covid-19 conference 04-23-2020 (Photo: SSA)
covid-19 conference 04-23-2020 (Photo: SSA)

Critically ill people, who have severe respiratory failure, will require intensive therapy treatment with mechanical ventilatory support, that is, intubation. But the percentage of people who could lose the battle against the disease is between 70 and 80%.

On April 21, during the morning conference of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, it was decreed that Mexico is formally in phase 3 of the coronavirus pandemic.

It will be necessary to maintain and extend the National Sana Distancia Day until May 30, 2020, in addition to the immediate suspension from March 30 to May 30, 2020, of non-essential activities to decrease the burden of the disease.

covid-19 conference 04-23-2020 (Photo: SSA)
covid-19 conference 04-23-2020 (Photo: SSA)

The authorities informed that it is necessary to continue respecting the orders of Sana Distancia in order to keep the number of infected people as small as possible and maintain the availability of beds and resources for patients who require it.

If there is doubt about the symptoms, you can go to the information mechanisms: 800-004-4800 and 911 and Susana Distancia through WhatsApp .


The Mazatlan Post