Investments and construction work in Mazatlan continue despite Phase 3 alert


It will support and promote businesses affected by the closure of non-essential activities

Mazatlan, Sinaloa. In terms of investment and public or private work, nothing changes with Phase 3 of the health emergency, since the issue of investment does not stop in the face of contingencies, or the commerce sector, in terms of markets and self-service stores, as well in the restaurant industry will continue as an essential activity; assured the secretary of Economic Development, Tourism and Fisheries of Mazatlán says David González Torrentera.

He considered it a delicate situation that 20% of the businesses in the restaurant sector that have already closed do not plan to reactivate after the Covid-19 coronavirus sanitary fence is lifted, so the municipal government draws up a support plan for its reactivation. , once the contagion crisis is over.

We are looking at ways to support and promote restaurants with home service, keeping due considerations, since they are included in the essentian services, so they could continue operating, but many people are not going out to eat, there will have to be have creativity on the subject of promotion. 

González Torrentera

He said that the secretariat in his charge carries out a detailed study to see how many companies have had to “lower the curtain”, as a consequence of the Covid-19, which will have an approximate census of the people who lost their jobs, and continue supporting them. .

He indicated that to date, more than nine thousand people have been supported by the municipal government, who lost their jobs as a result of the closure of businesses in the Covid-19 coronavirus contingency.

González Torrentera insisted that the issue of investment does not stop at the port.

No investment project has been canceled, there are some projects that are stopped regarding its progress, but even every day we continue to receive calls and approaches with some investors, who are about to start projects here, the Planning Directorate has not It has stopped receiving applications for construction licenses, we are seeing right now the progress for the paperwork of a specific project, which is about to start. 

González Torrentera

He said that until February economic growth was maintained, registering an increase of 300 units or new companies.

Hence, the Ministry of Economic Development will make a diagnosis of the impact of the Covid-19 coronavirus, so that once the quarantine is over, they can reactivate the largest number of businesses.

We are working on making projects for the reactivation, once the contingency is over, we are going to work, we already have some projects and ideas and the mayor asked us to look for certain factors, so that the activation is immediately in Mazatlán, with that we encourage the economy improves and the businesses that have had to close are gradually recovering step by step. 

González Torrentera


The Mazatlan Post