237 people in Los Mochis Sinaloa cited fines for ignoring COVID contingencies


It was reported that these people were caught in administrative offenses such as drinking alcoholic beverages on public roads or traveling while intoxicated.

Los Mochis, Sinaloa.- The Ahome Municipal Public Safety and Transit Directorate sanctioned a total of 237 people who disregarded the indication of no urban agglomerations, during the National Healthy Distance Day.

The municipal corporation through its director, Carlos Francisco Rodríguez Ponce, reported that in the first 20 days of April, the agents turned 237 people to the Court who were caught in administrative misdemeanors such as drinking alcoholic beverages on public roads or traveling in a drunk state.

Both actions were limited during the permanence of the health emergency due to force majeure to the pandemic caused by the SARS-COV2 virus, he said.

It was also reported that this number of people administratively sanctioned for failing police instructions and good governance is 49 percent lower with the number of arrests made in March for the same reasons, which was 481.

The head of Public Security of Ahome thanked the population for abiding by the preventive measures to avoid contagion of coronavirus and reiterated the call to comply with the provisions of “Stay at Home” and “Your healthy distance”, in addition to the reduction of passengers to one per vehicle and the use of face masks.

While in the case of public transport, he highlighted the respect that is being given in the alternation of seats, in addition to the use of antibacterial gel, among other provisions that reduce the transmission of COVID-19.

Source: lineadirectaportal.com

The Mazatlan Post