“Guardians of healthy distance” are born in San Miguel de Allende


There are 22 public servants, mainly inspectors from various agencies

The risk of getting COVID-19it is latent; administration emphasizes precautionary measures with private, public and social bodies.

To the sanitation army were added the actions of the “Guardians of healthy distance” ; that they are public officials in charge of monitoring that citizens respect recommendations to avoid the spread of the coronavirus.

This action reinforces the prevention, containment and care measures against COVID-19, of the municipal government of San Miguel de Allende, which since March 14 listed in 20 points.

These “Guardians of healthy distance” are 22 public servants, mainly inspectors from the Directorates of Environment and Sustainability, Public Services and Quality of Life, Heritage and Historic Center, Inspection, Treasury and Government Secretariat.

The officials will carry out their work as duly identified “Guardians of healthy distance” , from Monday to Friday, from 10 am to 1 pm, distributed among 3 brigades; one will especially be in Plaza La Luciérnaga to guide bank users.

Each brigade has a Civil Protection representative to verify that each private, public and social establishment has what the General Law of Civil Protection and its regulations in articles 11, 38, 39 and 40 establish: Internal Civil Protection Program.

Said Law, mandated by the state and municipal authorities with its regulations, establishes that these instances must have their Internal Civil Protection Unit and care protocols in emergency and/or extraordinary cases, as is now the case for coronaviruses. The scope of the measure is for those venues where from 40 people (between staff and customers) provide service and within a radius of 500 meters.

As the contingency passes, the municipal government strengthens measures with: the signing of the agreement of wills with the Transportation permit holders, the biweekly meetings with the representatives of all economic sectors, the implementation of the sanitation army and the awareness campaigns through 20 units of “Social Proximity” of the Ministry of Public Security and the periphery of “1-2-3 against Coronavirus”.

General law on civil protection: Articles

Article 11 marks, explained Josafat Enríquez, director of Civil Protection, “the Contingency Plan within its buildings -public, private, social businesses- must consider any emergency situation -as now by COVID-19- and must develop it a third accredited (consultant) ”.

While, in Article 38 of the General Law of Civil Protection, mandates that special programs are planning and operation instruments, which are implemented with the co-responsibility of various agencies and institutions, “in the face of danger or risk that at this time the danger or risk is to health as is the coronavirus, “said Josafat Enriquez.

Therefore, Article 39 says that it indicates the obligation of public, private and social institutions to have their “Internal Civil Protection Program” that will operate its “Internal Civil Protection Unit”, “it is responsible for updating, operating, monitoring that this internal program works in an emergency or danger situation ”, and it is necessary when it comes to places from 40 people, between staff and customers, within a radius of 500 meters

Source: milenio.com, 60segnoticias.com

The Mazatlan Post