Mexican firefighters design and produce isolation pods


Due to the need to protect its staff and patients, members of the Veracruz-Boca Del Río Firemen group are designing and producing isolation pods for transferring coronavirus patients.

The pod is made with plastic materials that allow for easy disinfection as well as good ventilation of filtered air and the use of supplemental oxygen, complying with the requirements of the World Health Organization (WHO).

The device is easy to move and assemble. It costs approximately MXN $ 2,500.

The coordinator of the Paramedics Unit, César Herrera Huerta, added that they are planning to build eight pods for the available ambulances; However, they will build 12 more as donations for hospitals and other ambulances that require them.

It was thanks to brainstorming and teamwork that the firemen found the right materials that will be helpful during the global COVID-19 contingency.

Their objective is to build eight pods.

Currently, the cost of an isolation pod starts at MXN $ 350,000, while these pods are much cheaper and can be improved if needed.

They also plan to donate 12 pods for hospitals.

A single ambulance service costs between MXN $ 5,000 and $ 6,000 and it does not only require a pod but all the protection gear for the firemen: suits, gloves, disposable boot covers, and googles, which are now more expensive since providers have raised their cost during the contingency.

The firemen have asked civilians for donations to build the pods.

The firemen invite Mexicans to make donations through their website for the elaboration of these pods and other equipment.

Source: El Universal

The Mazatlan Post