Morena representative blames LGBT community for bringing Covid-19


As ridiculous as it may sound, a Sinaloa state representative, from AMLO’s political party Morena, blames the LGBT community for bringing Covid-19 Coronavirus to Mexico.

The gay community filed a complaint with CONAPRED against the Morena congressman, Apolinar Garcia Carrera, for his hate comments.

Culiacán, Sinaloa (March 31st, 2020).- A Morena politican from Sinaloa, Apolinar García Carrera, attacked the LGBT + community through his social networks, assuring that they are guilty of bringing the Coronavirus to Mexico.

“#Spain challenged God by deconstructing the family, the language, stealing the word marriage, imposing excremental laws AND NOW THIS!” Says Garcia’s publication on Facebook.

In response, activists from the LGBT + community filed a complaint with the National Council to Prevent Discrimination (CONAPRED), against García Carrera for his hate comments.

“We consider that this publication misinforms the population taking advantage of the health contingency that we are currently going through.

This politician with this hate speech aims to create an adverse feeling against the LGBT + Community of the state of Sinaloa, which could lead to verbal or physical attacks against members of our society, “says the statement.

Source: Reacción Informativa

The Mazatlan Post