Cruise passenger falls ill as coronavirus patient in Yucatan enters hospital


The Yucatecan woman who is the state’s sole confirmed coronavirus case has “complications” and has been admitted to one of a few hospitals in Merida qualified to handle cases.

Meanwhile, a man who took a cruise to Progreso has since tested positive for the coronavirus.

The first confirmed case in Columbus, Ohio, is a 49-year-old man who sailed the Carnival Valor on Feb. 29. The patient had traveled to New Orleans to go on a cruise to Mexico, according to the Columbus Dispatch.

The unnamed patient sailed to both Cozumel and Progreso.

When he arrived back to Ohio on March 6, he began feeling the symptoms, Columbus health officials told the Dispatch. He is reportedly isolated and recuperating.

Officials told the newspaper they believe he traveled with a group, of unspecified size, from central Ohio.

The Yucatecan patient, who is also unnamed, is at the IMSS UMAE Clinic. She is being kept a far physical distance from other patients, a doctor said. She had recently traveled to Spain and returned through the Cancun airport. She was previously confined to her home, where she lives alone, according to a state health ministry press conference.

Source: YEL

The Mazatlan Post