Minors in Baja California Sur consume more alcohol


La Paz, Baja California Sur (BCS). The State Commissioner Against Addictions, María Esthela Castro Terraza commented that parents are responsible for young minors drinking alcohol in Baja California Sur, since they are the ones who take it everywhere, to the beach and especially to parties.

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“In 2019 alcohol was consumed more, in young people from 12 to 17 years old; This factor is obviously that it is a legal drug and it is easier to obtain it, it is one of the main factors. Our culture has a lot to do, our parents unconsciously have to see, since the child has reason, alcohol in their own refrigerators, ”said the Doctor.

In this sense, Castro Terraza reiterated that parents are the ones who instill in their children that alcohol is always a drink that is accompanied by fun, which is why teenagers take alcohol as their first drug.

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“In their celebrations or to go to the beach, the first thing is their cooler and their alcohol within it, it is baptism, confirmation, first communion, birthdays, first-hand alcohol; It is important to raise awareness among parents, that this drug is the first in which their children enter, for ease and scope. They obviously have a notion of no harm because their parents consume it and because their close relatives consume that substance, ”explained Castro Terraza s.

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Also, the official of the Ministry of Health (SSA) indicated that alcohol is the drink with which young people begin to lose themselves in the world of addictions, since, they start with said drink, subsequently experiment with marijuana and Last with methamphetamines.

“The first stage is alcohol and marijuana, in residential establishments we have methamphetamine as an impact drug,” he said before the questions of BCS Noticias.

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Finally, Castro Terrazas urged parents to have greater attention in the behaviors they perform in front of their children since they are a trigger for them to enter addictions.

Source: bscnoticas

The Mazatlan Post