In Sinaloa, you can be notified on cell phone when your children enter and leave school


50 schools in Sinaloa already have the pilot magnetic card program

The executive secretary of the State Public Security System, Renato Ocampo Alcántar, announced that they have implemented a pilot program in 50 schools throughout Sinaloa, with magnetic cards that notify parents when their children enter and leave the campus, in order to provide greater security to young people.

He explained that the card, which also serves as an official identification, has a value of 150 pesos, covers three years of high school, but it is not mandatory to buy it.

This card works with a reader who notifies the cell phone when the student enters and leaves the campus so that parents have knowledge.  

“It consists of the youngsters and teenagers receiving or acquiring a magnetic card, which at the time of entering the school has a reader and that reader causes that as soon as they enter and when they leave the school throws three text messages to three tutors ”He explained.

He added that a large percentage of the problems that arise with young people, occur during the journey home or because they do not enter school, that is why they tested this system that allows parents to monitor their children and if they do not arrive at the estimated time home, they can react immediately.

Source: linea directa

The Mazatlan Post