Development ends with the ecological environment in Mazatlan


The environmentalist Francisco Farriols considered it absurd to place the floating water park on the Middle Island

Mazatlan, Sinaloa. – The development towards the north of Mazatlan is ending with some species of flora and fauna, said the head of the Paco´s Reserve of Flora and Fauna, Francisco Farriols Sarabia.

He considered that in the urban development plans in those residential areas that have extended to these areas, conservation spaces should be established because they arrive and destroy everything.

He commented that there are places where you should not subdivide into lots to conserve species, but there is a modality that is environmental impacts, which is rubbish because they monetarily give a developer the option to compensate for their damage.

Unfortunately the voracity wins, the ‘development’ in quotes, especially in that area where some species are still need to be conserved, extintion is a very high and that can be reason for us to take a brake, so that people understand and authorities understand that there are needs to conserve, not just develop.

Farriols Sarabia

Farriols Sarabia insisted that there are uncontrolled residential, real estate and tourism developments, where 100% of the vegetation is knocked down when in growth and development it is not to end everything, but it is also to seek to conserve, and in this dynamic, you have to consider the population, politicians, and rulers.

He exemplified that the Laguna del Camarón and the Estero del Infiernillo should be protected natural areas, but unfortunately they have done other activities that end up truncating and doing bad developments.

Paco´s Reserve of Flora and Fauna is the successful result of more than 38 years of conservation of the Baja Caducifolia Mazatleca Jungle, which has been certified by Conanp as a Voluntary Conservation Area (ADVC), under the characteristic of “High Biodiversity “and where a real estate project of 120 lots was canceled.

I have an area dedicated to conservation voluntarily, it is the only one in Mazatlan when there should be hundreds of what is now demanded in modernity, because if they do not apply to doing so we are finishing with the planet, this movement has to be of we can no longer to give people awareness, that is no longer useful, it has to act because otherwise we can no longer reverse this maelstrom of destruction that is being caused in the world.

Farriols Sarabia

Some areas affected by the Convention Center area, we have not been able to stop the so-called bad development because it is destruction, it is not about not doing things, but that it is with planning, that there are areas that are decreed where a developer is not I invited him to destroy the progress that is already had.

Farriols Sarabia

He warned that there are studies of the Conabio, which reveal that Sinaloa is at the midpoint of almost unsustainable condition, flora, fauna is being lost at the level of degradation, which could reach a point of no return.


On the other hand, Farriols Sarabia described it as absurd to place the floating water park on the middle island, which is currently in Playa Norte.

He stressed that being the Three Islands, it is a protected natural area, it has to be visualized as such and such activity has no place.

He pointed out that it is necessary to investigate which authorities authorized the installation of that park and act against them, because it is not worth it that on the one hand we are trying to conserve the environment and on the other, the economic aspect beats them.

Source: el sol de mazatlan

The Mazatlan Post