Sinaloa serial killer finally caught and faces trial


El Chayo’ after surviving a shipwreck now being accused of being a serial killer

For investigators, no murderer is perfect. Sooner or later they make a mistake and that is the opportunity that the policeman hopes to catch them. Rosario Alfonso would have changed fishing nets for knives, and for a mistake made during one of the murders, he is now investigated for the murder of four young women in cold blood.

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The early hours of Sunday, September 13, 2015, ‘El Chayo’ left the area of ​​Las Arenitas fishing grounds with his uncle named Ramón, 50, and another fisherman whom he only knew by sight heading towards the bay and they headed in onboard a panga with a powerful engine much larger than was required.

According to the survivor’s own statements that day, after a few minutes of being in the water, the stern broke due to the exaggeration of the engine and they were shipwrecked for several days at sea, but in the odyssey, his uncle died and his companion too.

After drifting in the middle of the sea, finally, on Saturday, September 26, 2015, the Mexican Navy Secretariat managed to locate it when it was shipwrecked in the area of ​​San José Island, north of the city of La Paz, Baja Southern California, and The Holy Spirit Island.

After the rescue, the dehydration chart presented by Rosario Alfonso was severe and some of the witnesses and medical experts considered salvation as a miracle and was later taken to the Salvatierra hospital, in La Paz, to be treated.

From that moment on the life of Rosario Alfonso changed completely, seeing a relative close to death and not being able to do anything other than resigning himself to running with the same fate in a matter of hours, made life looks very different from the young fisherman to whom by that time many showed him his support and mercy by knowing his story in the media.

Months later or maybe days, the young fisherman was forgotten, nobody knew what happened in his life and what he did, nobody cared, but just a little less than a week ago the eyes of the “hounds” experts in homicides began To follow in their tracks.

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The State Attorney General now links Rosario Alfonso with at least 4 deaths of women. In the research they conducted, the first pattern that agents began to study was the area where the femicides were committed. The southern sector of the city. Then, the modus operandi of how each of the victims were contacted through an application of social networks, and finally the way in which they were killed.

In just over a year, four women were violently murdered. The first was found slaughtered in an irrigation canal north of the Costa Rican union on the afternoon of Wednesday, December 19, 2018. She was identified as Cecilia, 22 years old, residing in the El Mirador neighborhood.

Two months later, the morning of Monday, February 18, was found killed in the same way a young woman from the municipality of Elota, on the main road of the Pantheon March 21.

On Sunday afternoon, December 16, 2019, the teenager Lucía Mariana, 17, was found similarly murdered on a dirt road that communicates from the El Sauz military housing complex to the poor of the Costa Rican union and according to his relatives, he had left his home for the La Lomita temple to the celebrations of the Virgin of Guadalupe on Monday, December 11 at night and they knew nothing about her.

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Just last Sunday morning, the lifeless body was found because of the strangulation of the 19-year-old son Ana Ana Karen, inside the room 110 of the Grand Sur motel, located by the Benito Juárez La Costerita , in front of the El Ranchito ejido.

In the latter case, it is where the alleged feminicide made a mistake and left a clue that the intelligence group took advantage of to not let go of the track and left after what they consider to be responsible: “El Chayo”.

They managed to capture him and take him before the corresponding authorities, who linked him to the process and now he will have to respond to such accusations.