How many foreigners live in Mexico and what country do they come from?


Mexico is a very important corridor for regional migration, as it is the connection point between Central and South America with the United States. Only the northern border of the country, the one that connects Tijuana in Mexico with San Diego, in the United States, is the busiest port of entry in the country, according to the U.S. Border Patrol.

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And although it is a transit country, through which thousands of people pass through daily, it is also the place of residence of hundreds of thousands of foreigners who have made Mexico the place to live.

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In Mexico, a country of almost 125 million people, it is estimated that just over one million foreigners live, of which most were born in the United States, according to the 2018 National Survey of Demographic Dynamics of the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI).

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And while thousands of Central American immigrants – especially from the northern triangle – seek to reach Mexico to reach the US, it is not these that make up the majority of foreigners residing in the country: they are those born in the US, according to the INEGI

This is the map of foreigners based in Mexico, according to INEGI:

On the other hand, there are foreigners living in Mexico but their status is temporary. Between January and November 2019, the National Migration Institute delivered 36,790 visitor cards for humanitarian reasons (TVRH). The vast majority of these TVRHs were delivered to citizens from the Northern Triangle countries, in addition to Venezuela: Honduras (52.7%), El Salvador (14.2%), Venezuela (13.4%) and Guatemala ( 8.1%), in addition to other nationalities.

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This card allows foreigners who carry it to stay in Mexico temporarily and that the conditions under which the card was issued remain.

In 2019, 107.6% more visitor cards were issued for humanitarian reasons than those of 2018, according to the INM.

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There are also foreigners who between January and November of last year were “presented” to the INM for being irregularly migratory in Mexico. The INM reported 179,335 people who have opened an administrative process because of their irregular status. Here the nationalities are broader than in the previous two points: there are people mainly from the countries of the northern triangle, but also from Cuba, Haiti, Cameroon, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and India.

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And finally, there are foreigners who were returned to their countries of origin between January and November 2019 by Migración México. In total, 117,689 returnees were foreigners, most of them from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador, in that order. There are also foreigners from countries in Europe, as well as from Asia and Africa, to a lesser extent.

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Source: cnnespanol

The Mazatlan Post