AMLO promises free and first-class health system


Everyone, including foreigners, could obtain free healthcare and medications at public health facilities in Mexico

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador declared that health should be a free right, as in the Nordic countries

Andrés Manuel López Obrador described that “the populists of Norway and Denmark” have a free public health system “since citizens are born and until they die”. The president, given that comparison, promised that he works to emulate that scheme in Mexico.

“The populists of Denmark and Norway guarantee the right to health. Health in Denmark is free, it is in what they know as the Welfare State; there is protection for the citizen from birth to death. We want to create a first and free public health system, because health, like education, are not privileges, they are rights, ”said the president in his morning press conference.

In addition, he reiterated that the care at the Institute of Health for Welfare (Insabi) is free medical care and medications throughout the country.

López Obrador exemplified the need to guarantee everyone’s health with a personal case: a heart attack he suffered.

“If I’m sick, how can they not cure me? Aren’t you going to attend me just because I don’t have to pay, am I going to die? That is very unfair. (To me) He had a heart attack, I was lucky that he was 10 minutes from a hospital and they saved me for that. It is the same for a person … and there is no medicine to prepare it and reach an ambulance, so we want the medicine to be there, the specialist: it is the right to health and put all the emphasis on prevention and in the first level of medical care, ”he said.

He concluded with the commitment of his administration so that the medicines arrive, “how Cola soda arrives … everywhere”.


2020 started with excellent news, now the health system
it will be a universal right for all Mexicans regardless of whether they are
affiliated with IMSS or ISSSTE.

Through a statement, the Ministry of Health reported that as of
January 1 you can receive medical care with your CURP at the Institute of
Health for Wellbeing (Insabi).

You just have to meet these requirements:
You must live in Mexico
You must not be a right holder of the IMSS or the ISSSTE
You must present your CURP, INE and / or birth certificate to request
the service
You can go to the Seguro Popular centers

INSABI will be decentralized from the Ministry of Health and the services that will offer will be under the criteria of universality, equality, and inclusion. No longer will it be necessary to go to some module, receive policy or join, nor policies of any kind will be requested.

Nor will they pay any fee and will be treated in the medical units as it happened before. If you have an affiliation policy, no you will need to present it because the document will lose its effectiveness at
from the stipulated date.

The Institute will replace Seguro Popular, but according to the
information provided by the president, Andrés Manuel López
Obrador, those within the Insurance will not lose the right to their
medical care.

Finding and Printing Your Mexican CURP

1. What’s a CURP?

CURP is an acronym for Clave Única de Registro de Población. It’s an alphanumeric population number that is similar to a social security number. It is issued to Mexican citizens and lawful residents.

2. How do I get a CURP?

If you have either a temporary or permanent resident card, you can apply for your CURP at an INM office (those are the immigration folks that issued you that resident card in the first place).

3. I think I have a CURP, but I can’t find it. How do I get another copy of it?

You can obtain a copy of your CURP in PDF format for free by accessing the following government web page:



The Mazatlan Post